Motto: Excellence in Prayer and Hard Work

Mother Paul Offiah Memorial Boys' Secondary School

Azia , Anambra State

Brief History

Mother Paul Offiah Memorial Boys Secondary School was founded in 2010 by the Congregation of Sons of Mary Mother of Mercy, under the able Superior General of the Congregation – Very Rev. Fr. Dr. George Okorie, (SMMM). The magnanimity of the Okeke family of Umuoma Ukwakwa in Azia community facilitated the donation of the land on which the school is located. Their illustrious son; Rev. Fr. Jude Okeke a member of the congregation was instrumental in bringing this school to Azia. The intention behind the donation of the land for the founding of this school is to immortalize one of the outstanding daughters of Azia community – Late Rev. Mother MaryPaul Offiah, DMMM who contributed meaningfully to the development of the community with an example worthy of emulation. This is why the school bears the name: ‘Mother Paul Offiah Memorial Boys Secondary School, Azia.’
The school provides qualitative education and integral formation to young boys with the aim of making them responsible leaders in the society. This integral training/formation is academically, spiritually and morally oriented. Like a mustard seed that grows into a great tree, the school has witnessed immense growth. Our performance in external examinations has been superb. The school is equipped with good hostels, library, computer room, and well equipped laboratories for the study of the sciences. In line with our vision to bring out the best in each child; the school is staffed with well qualified teachers who are passionate about education.
Name of school: Mother Paul Offiah Memorial Boys Secondary School, Azia.
Location of the school: Ukwakwa - Azia in Ihiala Local Government Area, Anambra State, Nigeria Year of establishment: 2010
Established/Founded by: The school was founded by Very Rev. Fr. Dr. George Okorie, SMMM. It was named to immortalize Rev. Sr. MaryPaul Offiah – an outstanding religious of the DMMM congregation who contributed immensely to both the community and the church.
OUR MISSION: Integral education involving the intellectual and moral formation of our students to make them responsible individuals who would make their families proud as well as add value to the society
OUR VISION: To be the school of choice for discerning parents who intend to equip their children/wards with education and life skills that prepare them to be creative and achieve excellence.
OUR PHILOSOPHY: We hold that the every human person should see life as an opportunity to develop their God-given talents in order to attain self-actualization. Believe that you are born to succeed and never underestimate the greatness in you.
Mode of admission:
Candidates are admitted after successfully passing the entrance examination which consists of Mathematics, English Language, General Knowledge and an oral interview. The examination is preceded by distribution of entrance exam forms to various parishes within and outside Nnewi diocese. The specific date of the examination is printed on the forms.
Description of the uniforms:
(a) School Uniform: Light blue shirts and navy blue shorts/trousers.
(b) Day wear: blue shirts and blue shorts/trousers.
(c) Outing wear: Green check shirt and green shorts/trousers.
(d) Sunday wear: White shirt and White trouser.
Records of excellence:
(a) Academic- The school gives her students integral education which equips them intellectually and morally. The result is that our students have been performing well in external examinations (BECE, WAEC/NECO). In addition to this, the school came second in Ihiala region inter-school quiz competition organized by the Catholic diocese of Nnewi in 2016.
(b) Extra curricula Activities: These include cultural dance group, singing practices, sports and others. Our students have impressive performances in football, volleyball, relay and table tennis. Our sporting talents are being groomed to bring out the best in them.
Structures and facilities:
The school has a two story building academic block, hostels, Science laboratory, library, computer room, technical workshop, 30KVA sound proof generator, Solar energy system, borehole water supply, and school bus.
List of principals and time of service:
Rev. Fr. Nicholas Okorie, SMMM (2010 – 2011)
Rev. Fr. Francis Alaribe, SMMM (2011 – 2012)
Rev. Fr. Thaddeus Agbasonu, SMMM (2012 – 2015)
Rev. Fr. Godwin Obike, SMMM (2015 - 2019).
Rev. Fr. Eugene Ejiofor SMMM (2019 - till Date)
Technology Exhibition Journal is the official publication of the school.
Research and Development:
Recognizing the need to inspire creativity and empower our youths with technical skills. In November 2016 the school organized her First Technological exhibition, with the theme ‘Harnessing Solar Energy to Tackle Nigeria’s Energy Challenges: Prospects for Investments.’ Solar energy Devices built by students in the school were displayed for the public. These devices include solar cookers; solar water heaters/pasteurizers Students also built electronic model cars and drilling machines.
Scholarship scheme:
In appreciation to the families from the host community that donated the land on which the school is sited, the school reserves three scholarship positions for candidates from these families. The school also granted scholarship to an indigent student.


School News

The Management of Mother Paul Offiah Memorial Boys' Secondary School Azia, wishes to appreciate the outgoing Principal Rev Fr. Godwin Obike, SMMM; for his inspiration, dedication and great services to the school. May God bless him abundantly and guide him in his priestly ministry. We say a big "welcome" to the incoming Principal


Admission into Various Classes is ON, for 2020/2021 academic year @ MOTHER PAUL OFFIAH BOYS' SECONDARY SCHOOL AZIA IHIALA, Obtain your form in the following centres: Mother Paul Offiah Boys Azia; Good Shepherd Primary Sch Onitsha; St Jude Cath Parish Fegge Onitsha; SS John and Paul etc Entrance Exam Date: ..., 2020. Phone: 07032053208



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